The continuity in flight employer A friend lent him a jet to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, Michèle Alliot-Marie, it was during the holidays in December 2010. He had to resign.
Actually minister resigned reluctantly, because most of those who accept this type of "gifts", he saw no inconsistency between its role and receive personal gifts . It seemed that there is nothing in this that contradicts the ethics, did not see that this indicates a sort of mix between entertainment and possible bribery.
The matter that caused the sister of Mauricio Funes indiscreet, to show your friends on Facebook photos of the "family trip" to Miami, where he is the president in Children's amusement park of the multinational "Disney." It is also the vehicle in which they traveled, it is a private jet. The online newspaper "The Return" which revealed this trip, said ignorance of the origin of money served to finance this costly journey of fun. It was a very discreet way to ask to the President.
run The president made the case, maybe hoping that would calm a wave vanishes in the distance. But in fact it caused a storm unlike comments on the various modes of the global network. The outrage was great, especially since the suspicion that the payment had been with state money has been persistent and repetitive. They came to discuss many supporters of the president, perhaps sent as line infantry, but came very unarmed, as the ultimate argument was that it was a "private visit" and that it was not obliged to anyone more than the president, despite the scandal was not the trip itself, but the form of payment. This allegation was an attempt to change the subject. The other argument was the same as used with respect to the medium Funes exposed the affair, discredit, put the tabloid nickname, that should not publish the note if you really know who had finaciado, which lacked a true investigative journalism. Not really know much what to say. Others, with greater poverty of spirit presidents claimed that ARENA had also taken advantage of public money. Others accused us all Salvadorans, digging a all in the same bag, which all of us put on such an opportunity, because we would take advantage of the Ratatouille others. Others went so far as to suggest that if no advantage would be a mash . Sad defenders came out to the president.
David Rivas presidential spokesman contacted by telephone to the media and stated that "the plane is a businessman friend of the president and this administration who invited him to perform this trip to America. " Of course he said that "the charter of aircraft had not been paid for with public funds." Apparently both the president, as his spokesman considered that this has been canceled the whole thing. It may well be, as El Salvador every week now brings his escandalito. However I think morally it can not become a simple explanation, without giving details. For the entrepreneur is anonymous. A gift of this amount and this can not be considered a personal matter.
Where did the city have emerged Funes many friends in business? Was and his aide while serving as a journalist? Be it so. Its current function imposes greater modesty in accepting treats, gifts and other perks. For now accept the gifts that you did before becoming president or candidate, is somehow taking advantage of its function, give an improper use of the post he occupies. The millions who appeared in his personal checking account, also justified as a loan from businessman Salume to finance the campaign. Never explained why this sum then appeared in a personal account and not the official campaign. All doubts and suspicions were then allowed, in fact persist, then jumps to the eyes that his former salary as a journalist and current honorary president, it lets you comfortably repay the loan. Is pilgrim think that the payment was made with presidential services, maintaining the relative (son of the lender) in its role as Chair of the CEL?
Communications Secretary David Rivas insisted that the president's trip to Disney in the United States did during a weekend. Clarification chilosa a bit, as alluded to his swaggering ban its ministers from participating in meetings of his party FMLN during the upcoming electoral campaign because they were officers all the time. The president never takes a holiday at will, suggests That said, the trip was outside the legal hours of opening of the Presidential Palace ...
In fact, the president does not have an honorable exit. Accepting gifts from businessmen because of the amount they may be, is compromising the function of chief magistrate of the nation. Spend taxpayer money for trips pale family fun is just very low sort. But because her spokesman tells us it was a gift from "a businessman friend who has no business with this government", the minimum is to be by name, to view documents of expenditure at the expense of his friend and the demonstration that it is a weekend trip.
The spokesman did not give these details and leaves the office to find out journalists, the president warns it will not make statements, they judged that it is a private matter . So if private why instructs the Secretary of Communications to justify the trip and mode of payment? Of course this is not a private matter, a single hour of flight is greater than the monthly fees for president. Does not this open the door for any public servant to accept "gifts from friends private and anonymous? A This is called "bite."
promised change included the ethical moment, was what was expected, is what's supposed promised transparency. But here too, the continuity is in flight.