Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kates Playground Hottest

In extreme end do not get to anything good.

Santa fe a arrancado la liga postobon con 4 de 6 puntos possible fifth place standing in the Colombian championship with a goal difference of +2, getting 2 TDs (Santa Fe 2 America 0), with none against. Entering
style can be seen playing a team a little more defesensivo and organized in the back, which is good considering the complete saga disorder santafereño last semester. But capital equipment stopped working maybe the best feature of the tournament prior to neglect the offensive team, probably by changing the figure used by the technical tactics santafereño, a line of 4 defenders 3 ruffles a player link and 2 offensive front. Santafereño coach says players have not needed to use a different figure, which I think may be wrong that Santa Fe has almost the same payroll to continue using the 4-4-1-1 he held the previous tournament. But not always the tactical system helps you to confront a great team, ensuring the success are good option to develop in the system.
Another thing you have to say is that it only has two dates played League Postobon that started very interesting, now we can not jump to conclusions, but teams are already beginning to shape their future campaigns.