Thursday, November 25, 2010

Repair Parts For 12 Talking Gi Joe

Villaluz Person Interview Interview

75 Hrs Battery Used Car

former resident Diana Parra Eldorado Airport

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Color Chocolate De Koleston

Pimp Dance, down the street! xd

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pokemon Snap On Sixty Force Not Working?

badges Ria de Fierro, y. .. have mate! Souto

reports from her Delia Bisutti-legislator who sponsored the bill, which was declared of historical interest cultural and Album of the Comic Argentina, Iron badges, we do between Souto, Pares, Soto and me and I publish the magazine Fierro. So do we want I say, a puema. Please take this into account Dona was a great effort and I am very pleased to have been part of it, you know. Upload
These portraits were painted with black and white tempera on paper, and then with the compu colorice to make them faster, because time is a tyrant saw.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How Much Is Land Lease For

What we did on Saturday!

When we go dancing in the parade, no one could record dance, but here is the song and a couple of photos that someone made. XD. When we recorded the dance we will post it =)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Transporting Tv With Airplane

Dance "Somebody To Love" PIMP DANCE AGAIN

This afternoon, Saturday 21 November, we went dancing through in a fashion they do in the Casa de Cultura de Crevillente.
This afternoon at 6.00. Dance also other groups to "do no heavy lifting" of the parade.

This dance has been unannounced, and that in just 2 days we have set the choreography for this afternoon, so the song only lasts 1 min.
But we are very happy because we managed to have it in time.

Dike Bike Party Plates

long vacation, and waiting a little while, Pimp Dance again!
This year we hope to improve much in order to get away. Now
dance styles have changed a bit, and also members of the group, we now only: Carolina Bernal

Elisabeth Penlava
Fernando (New)
Iratxe Karim Martin
Haini (New)
Penelope Navarro Miriam
Sebaghi \u200b\u200b
(in alphabetical order)

Note: For a while Iratxe, will not dance because of a esgince, but do not worry, AGAIN XD.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Confirmation Letter To Neice

Scalerandi - Scalerandi Souto mine

In 97 we worked for Lucho Olivera, an honor, we had 19 or 20 years, and this is one of the pictures we made between the two (Gaston and I) for teacher. I had a broken arm and learned to cope with the left (a great experience, I recommend it, not the fracture, heh) and Gaston had the bionic arm, so was not going to overcome the situation. Tonga few years, many anecdotes, I pianta a tear, toast to the eternal friendship, and Eternia. I still have the diNovo painted with acrylic on a cardboard netgork pretty wimpy.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Temazepam And Bed Wetting

A mama! Boludeando

When I was a fool we were very poor, my old man's fumbling selling cocaine on the court and the Speedway, and as they had no dough to buy booklets and stuff, my old lady cartoons was contrived to make us and have fun, my dad invented games such as the farmer puto, rancher that was equal to but done by hand and invented and zafadas things like my dad, and we also painted the dining table and a soccer field, among other things, that was painted about three years to our delight. My old I would always ask me to draw batman and she improvised a similar batmanes to which I, with giant pants layers Ultra Short and big heads and to me were the best. Then, Ponele at age 8, my older brother got to join us and so by extension cables to join copper and sell it (took out twine good memory, to be kid), so as they also sold afanabamos lemons (I did it in a comic) and sunflowers that they were falling to the trains as they passed. With that money I bought my first review PatoruzĂș, my first belt, and my first set of figures of Batman, among other things. I loved working with my brother and my sister sometimes caught.
So this is a tribute to mama mia those little pictures that made me so good, my old, the more the better. Inherits my old humor, survival and heater, but that's another story, of which we speak later.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

7 Sea Creamy Itilian Dressing