Friday, May 15, 2009

How To Patch Soul Silver Lugas

Now what? What happened?

With great clarification of Cucuta the runs began to leave hateful comments, full of envy, to destroy the great work being done by Professor Pinto and boys, a campaign that has made very little, and who want to end poison letters. these days have made comments on the return of Ramiro, you start to say that the Cucuta only works with gasoline plane, if it were required that gasoline can only be obtained with silver stained by drug trafficking , finally and lot of nonsense loaded with envy to end the process Pinto from the enemies of Pinto and Cucuta .
This is for the ignorant who do not know what happened to Cucuta and come to find out at this moment of happiness for all people cucuteño . Consider the data:
* Ramiro Suarez Corzo was arrested in mid-2007
* At this time of year the Cucuta canzo to the tournament site
* not fared well in the quadrangular stay last with 5 points
* No one spoke of the robbery that was part of the arbitrators to favor the champion of that semester (I will not say names of other teams)
* In early 2008 the Cucuta Deportivo lost nearly 70% of its nominal owner.
* In the absence of 8 days start the championship, Cucuta Deportivo remains without a head of group.
* In the first semester Cucuta Deportivo would stay outside the square end for lack of a goal.
* In that same period the Glorious Doubly participate for the second consecutive the maximum continental tournament where classified in the box curta general classification.
* would be eliminated by Santos (BRA ) in the second round.
* In July 2008 Cucuta Deportivo would lose their best player, which lasted two years and six months in the red and black institution, not a replacement would bring.
* The team coach sacrifice a large stranger who came to Cucuta Deportivo in 2008, then that player was dismissed by the club.
* The team coach abanderaría the charge on the eighth day of finalization.
* Al Cucuta Deportivo would a technical Uruguay, which realisaria a nasty campaign.
* The finalization , 2008 Cucuta occupy the last position the tournament with only 15 points.
* In late 2008, Jorge Luis Pinto, who at that epoch was relegated from the office of DT: the selection Colombia, assume the leadership motilón team.
* THE Deportivo Cucuta this year received a lot of money from the sponsors and the mayor , also in cucuta Cup will be held telus.
* Ramiro Suarez Corzo was released in late May.
* Today Cucuta Deportivo has thirty points is almost double the points made by the last-place teams . Well my
conclusion: In Colombia more people die of jealousy than anything else, besides Ramiro Suarez Corzo came out of that prison not found anything as says statement human rights every person is innocent until proven guilty, and another half Ramiro campaign came to the team and for those moments the cucuta occupies the fourth box, so envious to stop that nonsense and devote themselves to see the 20 or 35 years increase.


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