Another anniversary in memory of Salvador Cayetano Carpio. For 29 years the disappearance of Commander Marcial was news not only in El Salvador and shocked the vast majority of the country's poorest people. Was extinguished and the flame had been lit for years in the Salvadoran revolutionary movement. The revolutionary movements of that time did not believe what they were hearing in the media and what happened to FPL, FPL.
The story is so stubborn that puts everyone in place. "Fellow" of that organization labile ideologically determined that Commander Marcial was now an obstacle to the bourgeois project at hand. They were the first months of 1983 and the Salvadoran guerrillas was in his prime political and military. Was brewing almost popular victory when events happen in April and what is perhaps one reason why these tragic events and the death of Comandante Marcial occur?. They prepared, then the way to sit down and negotiate with the bourgeoisie and submissive lackey the American Empire.
However, the political line that if I lived - and played - the deepest feelings of solidarity of the most humble and forgotten in the country was Commander Marcial, it was - and remains - to build socialism in the country . It is for this reason that the April 12, 1983, decided to death-suicide-murder of Salvador Cayetano Carpio, change of direction in the struggle of the guerrillas has been more important than the Latin American continent.
Para ellos Marcial era el “obstáculo principal” de sus posturas políticas y de su estrategia que por cierto, a la inmensa mayoría de los guerrilleros no convencía; el diálogo y la negociación era su propuesta, sin decir qué se negocibaba y con quiénes. Lo que se buscaba el fondo con dicha propuesta era nada más que la rendición militar de la guerrilla. Con el tiempo y pasado casi 20 años del fin del coflicto armado la realidad, los ha puesto en su sitio, en el que siempre han querido estar y se están identificando cada vez como uno más del sistema burgués salvadoreño.
Hablar de los hechos o sucesos de abril no es mi intención in this paper, because talking about it is result of the lies and fallacies that are wielded in the early days of April. Also because I have written about it and has here at Kaos. In these tragic events are stigmatized who was the precursor of a new type guerrillas in the country. Was that with practice and belief have threatened the bourgeois system in El Salvador.
In the trial conducted in Nicaragua months later detemine that Martial had neither had anything to do with the heinous murder of the second charge of FPL Ana Maria, and that the leadership knows - and he knew -. That truth, however, hid at the time, and still hide thousands of fighters first and now the vast majority of the Salvadoran people. The truth of 'the events of April' the leadership of the FMLN has kidnapped.
However, there in lies and fallacies in where they hide the true intentions of those who are now the Party leadership of the FMLN. Is the command of then and certain members of it who decided to end the life of Martial. His politics of today are based on lies then maybe that's the reason I get lost in its analysis of the Salvadoran reality and in the arguments they use when justifying why Mr Obama visited the country and met precisely Funes, "its president."
Discuss the situation in El Salvador is to express in writing the magancería and the patina of certain leaders of the FPL and therefore of the FMLN who used lies to justify murder first and second stigmatize the revolutionary figure of the commander Marcial.
The story is getting it, each one in place. Those who once betrayed the revolutionary principles are represented - and continue to represent - as such to sit down and negotiate and talk with the bourgeoisie are now in the government. Although not really govern them, but that to them, do not care.
If we clearly see - and understand - what happened to the party today said the Left in the country, we read and reread the story and especially the suicide-murder of fellow martial. This is where is the key to why the bourgeoisie and U.S. imperialism prefer these livid FMLN leaders. They are not considered and, from all points of view, as a leftist party, much less revolutionary. They make it possible, right gringo imperialist country like the others sell countries of the continent than in the Thumb of America, is no democracy.
These days marks the 28 anniversary of the death-sucidio-murder of Salvador Cayetano Carpio is when we need to demand more forcefully demand a full investigation of the facts. That the political leadership of the FMLN give explanations of the facts and once and for all wipe the revolutionary figure of Commander Marcial. Only then will the revolutionary movement in the country which remains in the minds of thousands of peasants, workers, housewives, men, women, etc ..., a reality the people's victory.
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